A lot of people ask about the origin of our name, Giovanni L'Immigrato (Jonny the Foreigner). At the time of the band's first gigs, the band was made up of just the two Jons and a bunch of foreigners: Dario (Italy), Conor (Ireland), and Juliette (Canada). Hence Dario thought up the name Giovanni L'Immigrato. In fact, Jon had always talked about wanting to name the band after himself. It took the rest of us several years to realise that, in the end, that is exactly what happened!
Conor Eastop
Lead Vocals, Disorganisation
Nicola "Mrs" Chouler
Flute, Vocals, Cats
Jon Chouler
Guitars, Banjos, Harmonica, Farts and Ceilidhs
Jon Bailey
Guitars, Banjo, Harmonica, brooding menacingly at the back
Neil Hindley
Guitar, Banjo, Vocals, Being Inappropriate
Tom Watkinson
Bass, Farts, Laughing Loudly
Nicola Lukins
Drums, Not Giving a F-
Dario Cazzola
Mandolin, Bouzouki, Tortellini
Murray Calder
Bass, Crunchie Bars
Joska Vincent
Violin, more Farts, also Faffing
Charlie Farrington
Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Tech Support
Fran Barrett
Guitar, Vocals, Mandolin, Violin, Cello, Bass Guitar, Percussion and generally everyone else's instruments
Sean Williams
Bass, Guitar, Wales
Tasha Jokic
Drums, looking cool in headphones
Juliette Viard-Gaudin
Violin, being Canadian
with special mentions to ZACH GOLDIE and DAN PEROWNE.